Nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin has released a book with the protocols she uses for her clients.  Her plan is centered around removing seven foods from the diet for 21 days. These foods have a tendency to cause food sensitivities in many individuals.  Complete abstinence from these seven foods can help people lose weight and reverse various inflammatory conditions.

The catch is that you have to completely eliminate all seven foods during the entire 21-day period.  This will allow your body enough time to reverse the effects of the foods that cause the sensitivities leading to inflammatory conditions and the inability to lose weight.  This type of elimination diet is a very effective and affordable way to heal your body if food sensitivities are the cause of your health problems.

The following conditions/symptoms may point to the possibility of a sensitivity to one or more foods:

  1. Inability to lose weight
  2. Allergies
  3. Chronic sinus problem
  4. Chronic digestion problems
  5. Skin problems

These problems can all be caused by food sensitivities that can cause a reaction anywhere from several hours to several days after a food has been ingested.  These food sensitivities can develop over time and are not necessarily a condition you were born with.

Food sensitivities should not be confused with a food allergies.  Food allergies are an acute immune response that occurs at or very close to the time the food is ingested.

In the case of intolerance to a one or more food items, It is important  to remove the offending foods completely from the diet. Once they are removed, the symptoms of the disease will improve and the process of healing the digestive system will begin.  The good news is some food sensitivities can be reversed with time.

I have personally seen near miraculous changes in the health of patients after removing foods from their diet that are known to cause food intolerances.  If you suffer from any of the chronic conditions listed above, an elimination diet like the one presented in the Virgin Diet is a great way to begin the process of finding the source of your disease.

I would love to hear if you have ever had any success with an elimination diet for any health conditions.