Author: admin

We are celebrating the Grand Opening of our new clinic in Brentwood and our three year anniversary in Culver City with a 2 for $50 special.

The 2 for $50 deal will be available for purchase until Saturday, March 23rd.  

The promotional value expires on April 30, 2013.  After that date, the promotion will turn into a face value coupon.  Any remaining balance may be used towards our regular price of $35 per treatment.

You can purchase it over the phone or in person at either of our clinics.

 Make an Online Appointment







There is FREE oral health summit coming up.  There are a ton of great speakers in the lineup.  Sign up for free here!

Here is a description from the producers of the summit:

The HealThy Mouth World Summit addresses solutions how to navigate to greater oral health.

Here are just a few of the questions that the Summit answers:

~ How to raise cavity free kids
~ What foods to eat (and which ones NOT to eat) to create greater oral health
~ What to do if you have silver fillings, root canals, or crowns.
~ Questions to ask your dentist to see if they are really the one to be helping you navigate to greater oral health.

And on and on…

Check out this short intro video talking about the HealThy Mouth World Summit. It’s only 2 minutes long…

How would your life be different?

Sign up now as the Summit starts January 13th!

As a bonus for registering, you will gain access to a movie titled Smoking Teeth that will blow you away!!!

It’s the last week of our Holiday Acupuncture Giveaway!  Three lucky winners will win a free acupuncture treatment at Costa Acupuncture.

We have given away 9 acupuncture treatments in the first three weeks of December.  There will be three more lucky winners at the end of the month.  Be sure to enter below to win.  To enter a comment scroll down to the bottom of this post.

You can find the winning results by visiting this page once the drawing has finished.  Winners will also be notified by e-mail.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Patients at Costa Acupuncture will often ask us if we know of places where they can learn Tai Chi and or Chi Kung (also spelled Qi Gong). I highly recommend both to anyone who is looking for a practice to relieve stress and strengthen their overall health and well being.

There are many variations of both Tai Chi and Chi Kung. Tai Chi is a sequence of martial arts movements performed at a very gentle pace. Some of the more popular styles of Tai Chi include Yang, Chen, and Wu styles. Chi Kung consists of individual exercises or postures that are performed for various reasons such as martial arts, medical conditions, or just to maintain health and wellness.

Some locations on the Westside that teach regular classes are:

Marina Del Rey/Culver City
Yo San University

Santa Monica
The Wellness Living Store

Sacred Energy Arts

The Learning Garden in Venice

There are also some free basic chi kung exercises that I have posted at as a resource.

It is not important to practice one particular style of Chi Kung or Tai Chi. The benefits of Tai Chi and Chi Kung can be very subtle at first, but with time and consistent practice, positive results will be achieved. .

Let us know if you know of any other ongoing classes in the Los Angeles area or if you have had any positive experiences with either Tai Chi or Chi Kung.

This the 3rd week of Costa Acupuncture’s Holiday Giveaway! This week and next are your last chance to win a free acupuncture treatment.

The winners from last weeks giveaway are up on last weeks post.  The winners have been notified by e-mail.You can check if you have won by clicking here.

As promised, we are going to do it all over again this week.  Three more free acupuncture treatments will be given away at the end of the week.  You can enter three times for a chance to win.  Just follow the instructions below.  To enter a comment scroll down to the bottom of this post.

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin has released a book with the protocols she uses for her clients.  Her plan is centered around removing seven foods from the diet for 21 days. These foods have a tendency to cause food sensitivities in many individuals.  Complete abstinence from these seven foods can help people lose weight and reverse various inflammatory conditions.

The catch is that you have to completely eliminate all seven foods during the entire 21-day period.  This will allow your body enough time to reverse the effects of the foods that cause the sensitivities leading to inflammatory conditions and the inability to lose weight.  This type of elimination diet is a very effective and affordable way to heal your body if food sensitivities are the cause of your health problems.

The following conditions/symptoms may point to the possibility of a sensitivity to one or more foods:

  1. Inability to lose weight
  2. Allergies
  3. Chronic sinus problem
  4. Chronic digestion problems
  5. Skin problems

These problems can all be caused by food sensitivities that can cause a reaction anywhere from several hours to several days after a food has been ingested.  These food sensitivities can develop over time and are not necessarily a condition you were born with.

Food sensitivities should not be confused with a food allergies.  Food allergies are an acute immune response that occurs at or very close to the time the food is ingested.

In the case of intolerance to a one or more food items, It is important  to remove the offending foods completely from the diet. Once they are removed, the symptoms of the disease will improve and the process of healing the digestive system will begin.  The good news is some food sensitivities can be reversed with time.

I have personally seen near miraculous changes in the health of patients after removing foods from their diet that are known to cause food intolerances.  If you suffer from any of the chronic conditions listed above, an elimination diet like the one presented in the Virgin Diet is a great way to begin the process of finding the source of your disease.

I would love to hear if you have ever had any success with an elimination diet for any health conditions.

Emily Bartlett from Holistic Squid has put together a great post on the differences and best uses for different types of breast screening options. This is bar far the best explanation of these procedures I have come across. It is a very balanced report on when each option is best and the possible risks involved.

It seems like “thermography vs. mammogram” is all the buzz amongst women age 30 and up, and for good reason – cancer is now the #1 fatal disease, and one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer.
The medical community strongly recommends mammograms as an “early detection” tool, but in alternative circles it is believed that mammograms can actually contribute to breast cancer and may only be questionably effective in helping to save lives. continue reading

The winners from last weeks giveaway are up on last weeks post.  The winners have been notified by e-mail.You can check if you have won by clicking here.

As promised, we are going to do it all over again this week.  Three more free acupuncture treatments will be given away at the end of the week.  You can enter three times for a chance to win.  Just follow the instructions below.  To enter a comment scroll down to the bottom of this post.

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Holiday season has officially arrived!

In the spirit of giving back to our community, we will be giving away a free acupuncture treatment to three individuals every week for the month of December.

Every week we will be publish a new post that will give you an opportunity to submit multiple entries.

Enter below for a chance to win a free acupuncture treatment at Costa Acupuncture.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The 2012 World Cancer Summit just finished earlier this week.  I had the opportunity to  listen in to a few of the lectures and there is a ton of great information from Integrative and holistic cancer clinicians and survivors.

One of the, overwhelming themes from the presenters I have listened to so far is the importance of ones attitude in healing.  It is a good reminder that a positive attitude is crucial not only to healing but maintaining one health!

Costa Acupuncture is giving away three copies of the audio and transcripts of the summit.  This is a fantastic resource for anyone who want to learn about different treatment options from experts in oncology.

Enter below to win your own copy of the summit audio and transcripts.

a Rafflecopter giveaway